Passivation Services
The passivation process represents a meticulous technique aimed at enhancing the corrosion resistance of stainless steel components. It involves the elimination of ferrous contaminants, such as free iron, from the surface of these parts, effectively restoring them to their original corrosion specifications.
To achieve successful passivation, stainless steel parts must be immersed in a chemical solution containing either citric acid or nitric acid, and maintained at specific temperatures for a predetermined duration. This process effectively eliminates extraneous substances, such as free iron, from the surface. However, it does not eliminate residual heat tint or oxide scale that may remain from processes like welding or heat treatment. Although passivation enhances corrosion resistance and results in a clean finish, it does not alter the appearance of the part or make it noticeably brighter.
In contrast, electropolishing offers a more comprehensive solution by eliminating imperfections such as burrs, heat tint, and oxide scale, while significantly enhancing the brightness of parts made from various stainless steel alloys and other metal compositions.
It is important to note that while passivation can be utilized to improve the corrosion resistance of stainless steel, not all grades are suitable for this process. Additionally, certain parts may necessitate additional cleaning procedures prior to passivation to ensure optimal results.

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