Manufacturers of dental instruments rely on Able Electropolishing to remove burrs and improve the microfinish on internal components. Deburring and eliminating imperfections from moving parts increases their longevity, and electropolished parts can extend the life of dental components from the inside out.
Electropolishing For Metal Parts Used In Dental
The dental tool industry has relied on electropolishing for its products for years. Although electropolishing dental instruments has a variety of benefits, the most notable is dramatically improved corrosion resistance. Dental instruments are subjected to repeated autoclave cleaning, which places them in a highly corrosive environment.
Electropolishing dental instruments electrochemically removes the amorphous layer that is created on the surface of a part during machining, stamping, grinding, vibratory tumbling or other secondary operations. Unlike mechanical stainless steel polishing, our process effectively removes the free iron, lubricants and other contaminants that become embedded in the surface metal pores during machining while improving corrosion resistance. Left in the metal, those contaminants become initiation sites for corrosion to take hold.
We recommend sending samples for electropolishing so that you can evaluate both finish and dimensional changes. If electropolishing is planned during the design stage, the material removal can be factored into your final size specifications.
Metal Alloys Electropolished For Dental

300 & 400 series stainless steel

17-4 PH, 17-7 PH, 13-8 PH, 15-5 PH, AM 355

Aluminium (5052, 6061, 7075)


Carbon steel



Tool steel